Rankings & Visibility
Increased visibility, which means making it simpler for prospects to find you when they search for anything you have to offer, is one of the most significant tasks of SEO. Your rating is closely proportional to your visibility.
Because the higher you rank on a search engine result page (SERP), the more likely prospects will discover you and click through to your site, increasing your organic page ranking is critical. The better your SEO efforts, the higher your position and visibility, which is especially crucial given that a quarter of web users never click past the first SERP.
Website Traffic
One of the primaries aims of SEO is to increase online traffic, and you may improve traffic by increasing visibility and rankings. Consider this: the top spot on a Google search receives roughly 32% of clicks, and moving up one slot in search results can raise CTR by an astounding 30.8%. So, if you want more people to see your website through a search engine, you must utilize SEO methods that will help you rank among the top five, ideally number one.
Authority Page Authority (PA) is becoming more significant to search engines as it is to web users. Simply put, authority implies that your website is reliable, of high quality, relevant, and has something to offer.
Scores range from 1 to 100, with the higher your number indicating greater authority for your site. While it’s impossible to impact your PA rating, many SEO professionals believe it has something to do with link profile – getting external links from reliable and well-visited sources.
Improving the Visitor Experience
Another reason SEO is important is that all the time you spend into creating outstanding content and on-page SEO optimization increases your site’s usability. This results in a smooth and good customer experience.
For example, taking measures to make your site responsive will make it usable for all of your mobile visitors as well as those who visit from a laptop or desktop computer. Similarly, increasing your page load speed will lower your bounce rate and encourage users to stay on your site longer. Consumers demand a page to load as rapidly as possible, with a time restriction of no more than three seconds! The longer it takes for your page to load, the greater your bounce rate and the lower your conversions.