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How To Draw Your Client’s Attention Using Graphics

Would you rather view a lengthy caption or an infographic that conveys the same information?

 I believe most people will prefer infographics as visualization works from a human perspective because we respond to and process visual data better than any other type of data. In fact, the human brain processes image 60,000 times faster than text, and 90 percent of information transmitted to the brain is visual.

Defining Infographic

Infographics are described as the visual representation of data or concepts in a picture or graphic format that conveys complicated information in a way that can be readily digested and comprehended by an audience.

Ways to Draw Attention with Infographic

  • Keep it Short and Sharp

Make your graphic design simple and straightforward to convey the right message. A simple infographic advertisement is more likely to gain the full attention and interest of the audience. Simple ads are more effective at capturing that attention than complex ones.

  • Use Visual Metaphors

Visual metaphors allow viewers to reflect on themselves. However, in order to demonstrate the clarity of the message, one must be creative and thoughtful. A successful visual metaphor can really leave a deep impression in the viewer’s heart.

  • Let The Image Speak

A simple, strong, and clever visual allows the viewer to first look at the focal point. Strike the right balance between word and image, saying enough to illuminate the picture but not so much that you overburden it.

  • Use a Good Layout and Leading Lines

A good layout can help create balance, make an image cohesive, and create an appealing image. Leading lines in advertising are an excellent way to direct your customers’ attention and guide them through the proper hierarchy of information.

Unigrafique is a one-stop solution for business branding and growth using creative designs. Our creative agency can be thought of as the team that develops all your brand’s content and visual graphic elements.





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